Monday, July 16, 2012

I wish...

...I was sleeping. I wish I was finishing decorating the onesies for Miss Harper Joyce. I wish I was putting together my dresser. I wish I was stenciling my other dresser. I wish I was organizing my life. I wish I was watching J.Wow and Snooki. But no. I'm working on a paper/presentation  [which, ironically enough, is on co-sleeping] and reading an article for my psych class tomorrow. And then I'll get to sleep [hopefully soon], but before long, I'll be up again [too damn early] for work, then practicing for/ finishing up the presentation in the library, then class for poster session and then even more wonderful lecture. Then I'll finally get to breathe again for the first time since Saturday night, until I have to go to work again tomorrow evening. I love summer. It's so laid back. 

hmmm wish I was here:


  1. That's a beautiful place to want to be!

  2. Exactly. And it would mean I'd be near you and the babe!
