Thursday, June 7, 2012

the Maine

It looks like the cosmos.
     Yesterday was INSANE. I printed some shots that I took at the Morning Teleportation show awhile back and they all turned out excellent. Then I just had to breeze through a class or two before I got to eat dinner with Jenn than go to see the Maine at the Fillmore with Karla!! I was so giddy all day; I couldn't sit still in any of my classes [and listening to the Maine's entire discography when I was printing didn't help this] and I was smiling so much people were staring. And I'll let Karla tell you about the car ride to the show. I'm sure she was going back and forth between thinking I was crazy [for being so excited for the show that I couldn't stop talking, singing, playing drums my with hands on the steering wheel, etc.] and thinking we were going to die [because stop-and-go traffic is not my favorite friend when we are late to a show. And I'm not the most graceful braker].
     Buuuut, once at the show, I was so completely and purely happy, ecstatic, euphoric that I was almost unphased when the WillCall guy told me they wouldn't let me bring my cameras into the venue. Alas, they allowed me to bring in my digital camera, but not my film camera [which has a removable lens. So I guess they believed me to be a secret musician assassin and that my weapon of choice was flying expensive camera equipment]. And this would normally be a good thing because generally I get better [and more] good shots with my Nikon, but I was planning on shooting for my final photography project at this show [so now I guess I'm sticking with the shots from the other show, hope there're enough good ones!]. And on top of that, I realized about halfway into the Maine's set that I forgot to put my memory card back into my camera, so I only had the camera's built-in memory to work with. Soooo I had to delete A LOT of photos as I was shooting. And I ended up with 36 total [when I'd normally have 200+]. Also, we missed the first warm-up band, Arkells, because we were late, but we got to see/hear them when both warm-up bands [Lydia the second warm-up] came on stage with the Maine to perform With A Little Help From My Friends, I kind of fell in love with them, so I bought their album without actually hearing them play their own music. And it's so friggin' good
     Overall, it was one of the best shows I've been to/ greatest nights of my life. I love bands that go on stage and seem to just be so purely happy to be there, performing music with their best friends for their fans. And the Maine [especially Kennedy with his constant grin!] pretty much defines that for me. Usually after a concert, I will complain about my neck/head hurting from so much head-banging or my back/knees hurting from standing so long or being tired/hungry/sweaty, but no. Tonight, as I was driving back to campus with Karla, all I could think of, the one thing that I could complain about, the only thing that hurt was my cheeks. From smiling so much. I smiled so such, so wide, so enthusiastically during that show that my cheeks are going to hurt for a week. And guess what.. I'm not going to complain about it :] And I get to see my dad today! So more smiles! :] :] :]
     AND I get to see Motion City Soundtrack in nine days. Then fly to Alaska to see Jessyka and the bump [aka, Harper Joyce!]. 

I'm walking on sunshine! :] :] :]

Lydia again.
The Maine!

That hair. That beard. That 'stash. That snarl. 

I can't help but fall for a harmonica-playing gent.

That hair!

I'm pretty sure he was pointing directly at us.

Right after he hawked a huge loogie in the middle of Untangle Me. It was charming.

John O in singing in the crowd during Everything I Ask For.
You can see his mic in the middle left.

John O still in the crowd. They got a little aggressive with him.
Those are his legs in the air.

All the tour bands playing With A Little Help From My Friends.

John O's jig.

At the end of the show, I was mentally begging Kennedy for a good shot.
This is what he gave me.

Kennedy also gave me this.

Some photos I took with my fancy internet phone:
Another sweet cosmo shot.

"Then you."
Zooming in with my phone doesn't really work.

Getting John O back on stage after his battle
 in the trenches.. err.. in the crowd.
My thoughts exactly. 
Currently listening to... Arkell's album "Michigan Left." Sooo good. 

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