Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bay to Breakers

     So it's been a week since I last posted. Whoops. And over a week since I went to Bay to Breakers. Double whoops. But oh well. hurr you go. And look for more radical adventures in posts to come [including, but not limited to, the Morning Teleportation concert and Santa Cruz for Memorial Day]!

First photo of the day.
"I'm just a man catcher."


Gotta catch'em all!
Most beautiful coxswain picture ever.
Photo by Hannah Rogers.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
At this point I was alone in San Francisco at 7am.
So I took photos on my phone to occupy myself.
And a little piece of the Bay Bridge.

The Bay Bridge! So beautiful.

And then my phone's camera started doing sweet effect.

And this was the best shot of the day.
Then I finally found the Avengers.

This man wasn't wearing pants.

This man was wearing a diaper.

A decisive moment if I've ever seen one. 

This man was wearing nothing.

Happy 75th birthday, Golden Gate!

Breakers! Finally. that last mile and a half was awful.

Quail Man! Best superhero of the day!

Finished in just over 4 hours!

Currently listening to... "Timelines" by Motion City Soundtrack. Did I mention that I'm going to see them in the city with Karla on the 16th? Well I am. And their new album GO comes out on the 12th. I absolutely cannot wait. 


  1. Is it Halloween in California? I knew we were in different time zones....

  2. If it was up to me, it'd be Halloween everyday!!

  3. ewww man with penis paint all over him

  4. I counted 22 fully nude men. And that's just the ones I saw. The guys I was with were truly bothered that I kept bringing up how many penises we had seen hahaa
