Thursday, May 31, 2012

Morning Teleportation live

     I can't even begin to describe how fucking fantastic this concert was. The doors opened at 8pm and the show was [supposed] to be on at 9pm, but alas, when we arrived fashionably late at around 920pm [really we just got lost a lil bit], no one was there. No really. There was maybe eleven people there when we showed up and the crowd didn't push passed thirty until halfway through the second band [which really was all of the late peeps loss since the first warm-up band, Nicos Gun, was pretty friggin rad]. But anywhooo, the bands just kept getting more awesome and the crowd just kept getting more intoxicated [I'd never seen so many "cultured" people, i.e. hipsters a bit too old to still be called hipsters, under one roof. Karla and I even made up an entire life story for one of them. Ah, Nikolas. We'll miss you]. I mean, the second band, Chappo, all had eagle feathers on their arms and the headliner, Morning Teleportation, used so much fog during their set that I'm still washing it out of my hair a week later. 

Hurr're some photos:
Nicos Gun.
With the token black guy drummer. 

I was kind of obsessed with this shot. I think I took roughly 25 pictures of all the wires.
This was the best though, with that drink in the foreground.


You can't really tell, but he [and the rest of the band] had sweet feathers on their jackets.

He heard me talking about him. Twice. Classic Katie. 

Morning Teleportation.

He was so beautiful.

These people were so great. They were dancing the entire set.

Such a ghetto set list. Gotta love it.

Currently listening to... Native Savage by Chappo. I think he said this song was inspired by the guy who gave the band their feathers. Either way, it's a pretty badass tune.


  1. I looove the picture of the lead singer completly surronded by blue light!

  2. The second to last one? It's actually a crop of the entire photo. In the original, you can see the whole stage, but the bassist is a blurry moving blob, so I cropped it. I like it a lot too. It's my desktop back ground :]
