Wednesday, November 14, 2012

since I didn't die last time...

here's another fashion post. 

I read on the météo that it was supposed to be unseasonably warm today (67 degrees F) and so I wore a half-shirt. hahah as in, a shirt that I cut all up for no good reason besides to cause my back to be exposed and cold whenever I wear it. [C'est une bonne idée!] but really, it was warmer than it has been for a while, so I went for broke and wore it. 

And hurr're da photos:

and the timer went off too early..
and I was wearing my favorite songs..

hey and please pretend like you didn't notice that my hair is still in the same braids they were yesterday.. whoops..


  1. well kind of. I did the cutouts in the back. I originally did it almost a year ago for a Pretty Reckless concert I went to in San Francisco [shit.. was that really a year ago?], but I just recently did the weaving that makes it look like little square cut-outs instead of just some huge slits. I think it looks better this way. Also, it's SUPER easy to do. I can show you when I get home!!
