Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sac State Invitational

     As you very well may know [considering that most people who read my posts were there], the Sacramento State Invitational was yesterday! I coxed two varsity fours and rowed three seat in the coxswain race! All three of my races were incredible and we only ran into another boat on one of the races [in the coxswain race, we kind of attacked the boat next to us. whoops]! I only took film photos, but I stole some pictures from my friend Alyssa to show ya! [she only got pictures of the coxswain race, so hopefully my friend Wally will post his photos of the other races soon!]

launching at 11:58am... for a 12pm race.

Drew's war face
Us attacking the boat next to us. We were the two lead boats before this.
It totally looks like Drew and the other coxswain are just chilling.

Victory! In the sense that we didn't flip and only caught a crab
in warm-up!


  1. Thats SO AWESOME that you got to race!!! How did you not call me totell me!?

  2. this happened last year too! Sac State always has a coxswain race, so I thought you already knew. sorry! but it is truly one of the most hilarious things to see [I know because I've seen the video], because it's a race of people who don't know how to row themselves although they yell at guys [or girls] constantly about how to row and such.
