Thursday, October 18, 2012

the European appreciation of the female body

I love the fact that the French, really Europeans in general, are not afraid of the female body. Even publicly. In an age where girls are discovering and experimenting with their sexuality earlier and earlier, I'd like to see American society except the female form in all it's flaws and all it's beauty. I know that for me, growing up in a relatively small city in a small state in the US, I was taught [by society, not by my family] that the naked female body is something to be ashamed of and only seen by the woman herself or the person she chooses to spend her life with [of course, after publicly and formally announcing their love through marriage] in the privacy of their own home. And I can say that these societal norms have caused some embarrassment for me, as in always being afraid that my shirt is too revealing, my shorts too short, or a dress too tight, but worst of all is when these societal norms cause a woman [or man, it goes both ways] to be embarrassed of her body itself and the actions she makes with her body or regarding her body. I don't know if this makes sense or if I'm getting my feelings across correctly, but I just want each woman to take back control of her own body. It's our primary and ultimate tool for all things good: to express ourselves, to make art, to make love, to make babies.. we make physical things with our hands, we create stories and communicate with our mouths, we invent things never before thought possible with our minds. This body, this tool, that God gave us for absolutely no charge other than the promise to take care of it, is the most precious gift we have ever or will ever receive and I'm sick and tired of being afraid, ashamed, embarrassed of it, whether I'm fully clothed or not. So from now on, I will embrace my body, no matter the size, the shape or level of (un)dress. 

Join me?


  1. I'm with ya! Prob why I moon peeps all the time ! In all serious though... Be proud..l you're a beauty!
