Sunday, September 4, 2011

Multnomah Falls

     Okay so I went to Multnomah Falls yesterday afternoon and it was so much fun. I got to hang out with my friends Melinda, Patricia and Melissa [could we hang out anymore this week? probably not, but I'm so glad we did because you're heading out to California, then I'm heading out to California, then we won't see each other til December!] and experience such beauty and greenery at the falls. And, of course, I got some neato photos, but we'll get to that later.  First, I wannna tell ya guys about some of the lovely people that we came into contact with yesterday.  One, once we got to the top of the main waterfall, to the viewpoint [after a wonderful lunch break on some rocks in a part of the little creek that runs into the falls that only one other group of people walked to, probs because getting there took such contorting that I ripped not one, but two holes in the seat of my pants] this man climbed down from the proper viewing deck to a lower grassy section where he was standing, with absolutely no fence or anything, not even a foot from the top of the fall, taking- get this- a cell phone photo of the waterfall. I mean, come on! If you're going to risk your livelihood and the sanity of all the people at the viewpoint [who wouldn't go crazy if someone fell from the top of the falls and you didn't try to stop them?] and of all the people at the bottom of the falls [again, who wouldn't go crazy if you watch someone fall from the top of the falls?] at least get a good picture out of it! I was getting a better photo safely from the viewpoint with my fancy new camera!
     Which leads me to the next point: so many people at the falls were taking pictures with just their cell phones! I doubt any of these people were driving along 84 and just decided to make a trip to the falls on a whim and so, just didn't have a regular camera with them.  If you're planning a trip to a beautiful nature park, bring a real camera!  I realize that they all probs had twits and were simply posting all the photos straight to that or onto their Facebooks, but come on, having an incredible photo to remember your day is way more important than posting real-time photos to the internet.
     And now that my rant is over, here's two awesome people we saw: first, we saw a beautiful young couple in full wedding-garb, with only a single photographer [with a real, professional camera, thankgod], walking up towards to the falls to take wedding photos [hopefully not all the way at the top, because it was getting pretty hot and I hope that that young woman didn't trudge up the narrow, crowded dirt trail just to get sweaty, crowded photos!]. But the best, by far, was a woman we saw who had a banana peeking out of her cleavage. Yep! A banana. She looked awesome. So, with that, all I have to say is: Karla, I guess my instinct to store the banana I got at breakfast in San Francisco in my back pocket is just the Oregonian in me! [At the falls, Melissa told us that the people you see in dreams, even those that seem like strangers in the dreams, have to be people that you have seen in reallife, that your brain can't just create people itself. So I'm hoping that in dreams to come, I see the young newlyweds or the banana woman!]

So hurr's some photos:

Photo courtesy of Patricia Rincon
[with my Nikon COOLPIX P7000]

Photo courtesy of Melissa Lynn
[with my Nikon COOLPIX P7000]

Photo courtesy of kind fellow-hiker
[with my Nikon COOLPIX P7000]


Photo courtesy of another kindly fellow-hiker
[with my Nikon COOLPIX P7000]

     So it was a fun day and a silly night. Melissa and Patricia came over to my house later that night and we had a henna&tie-dye party! [well, not really a henna party because we never actually did the henna and Patricia left before we tie-dyed] but Melissa and I had a completely sober gigglefest while tie-dying t-shirts, a sweatshirt and twelve pairs of socks at 3 o'clock in the morning. Slightly delirious, we believed that an alien life-form activated the motion-cernsored light in my backyard and finally went to bed around 3:30am, but that's a story for another time.

P.S. I've been watching 48 Hours Mystery all morning and it's been super interesting, but really sad too because all of these murders are still unsolved [or the person who was convicted never admitted to the crime, so it's possible that the crime was mis-convicted]. But on a wayyy happier note, I'm going to the Taylor Swift concert in two days! I'm so excited I can't even believe it.

Think I can get a picture like this? I am in the fourth row afterall. :]
Photo credit:

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