Thursday, September 15, 2011

Santa Clara University

Sorry I haven't posted in a year and a half, the past week has been crazy with packing for school, trying to cram everything I didn't do all summer into three days and driving up to Auburn, WA to see Train and Maroon 5 in concert [Matt Nathanson was there too, but we were late and missed all but his last song; oh and look out for a full review and photographs from the concert later his week, once my computer decides to work again and I can download the pictures].
My friend Peyton and I just barely made it down south to Santa Clara yesterday and I drove the longest I've ever driven on one trip! 11 hours! We were a little bit delirious and very much hyped up on caffeine by the time we made it to campus [not without some trouble in the form of both exits that lead to campus be closed for road work], but we pulled it together to hang with some friends when we got here, but still passed out around one am because we were so exhausted. It's been good back at school so far, except for the parking ticket I just got. 53 dollars for a 2 hour zone violation. Bullshit. I guess it was a classic, 'Welcome back!' from the City of Santa Clara. Well all I can say is: 'Glad to be back!'


  1. That's a great photo! Good use of a wide-angle lens. I hope you're getting hit with some Californian sunshine. I decided that someone in our family should move to Washington and we can represent the entire West Coast.

  2. Sadly I cannot claim credit for this photo, my computer is still being crazy and won't turn on so I can download the ones I took. I never thought about that before, but someone living in Washington would be great, but we might need someone to move to Southern California too, because it's practically another state from Northern California.

  3. I think you posted more often than a year and a half! LOL. I miss you already. Can't wait till you have your head race schedule so we can come watch! Love you BABE.
