Sunday, December 4, 2011

my funky dream last night

This photo has nothing to do with my dream, but I like it. :]

     Okay so my dream last night was real weird. Maybe someone can tell me how this explains how my subconscious is dealing with the stress of finals, the relief of fall practices being over [there was a lot of rowing intertwined in the dream], the pure ecstasy that I am feeling because I will be home in less than a week and thus no longer submitted to dorm bathrooms [the Dunne bathrooms kinda had a big role in the dream as well], or whathaveyou. 

     Well it was a pretty long, continuous dream with a bunch of random side stories that don't really pertain to the main point, so I'll just start in the middle.. and well stop in the middle too because the dream continued after all this went down:

     So in my dream, there’s a bathroom on the second floor of Dunne that no one can get into [I was living on the 3rd floor, not the first in my dream] and one of the guys on my team wanted to show me inside of it. We went in and it was just completely gutted, like no toilets, sinks, showers, etc, but there was this hole in the ground that looked down into a level below and when I looked into it, I could see another bathroom [like possibly the first floor bathroom], which was all dirty and gross and then I realized that there was a giant cage in it and in that giant cage was a giant rodent. like a giant hamster/gerbil/mouse thing [it was giant, but it wasn’t as scary or as gross as say, a giant rat]. I, of course, screamed and got the frick out of there.
I'm guessing there isn't such thing as 
a golden rigger because this paintbrush
was the best thing that showed up when 
I typed "golden riggers" into google.
photo credit:

     Well later in my dream we were talking to some alumni [former rowers] who were telling us about some legendary golden riggers [can you even have golden riggers?] that had been stolen or lost or something because they definitely aren’t in the boathouse anymore [sorry for the crewspeak]. Well eenywhooo so they were telling us how they blackmailed the school into buying the golden riggers because they found the giant rodent that was hidden in Dunne and threatened to release the information [because who are we kidding? Not only are they keeping the students from a perfectly good dorm bathroom, but they’re hiding a fucking giant rodent in a dorm! Like around students studying and sleeping and just living their lives! Not to mention how unsanitary it would be to have a rodent in a dorm, let alone a giant one. Like this thing could have eaten someone alive it was so huge]. Well I guess they didn’t release the information because they apparently got their golden riggers and as far as my dream goes, we still have a giant rodent hidden somewhere in Dunne

     hahah so yah. My dream was pretty ridic. And please don't ask me where my subconscious comes up with dis shiz, because, frankly, I'd like to know as much as you would.

currently listening to... "All I Wanted" by Paramore.  
                    ["Well, it's a shame, I'm a dream."]

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