Saturday, December 24, 2011

Orlando Trip Part Two: Universal Studio Lot and Islands of Adventure

It's like my heart is a tooth, and it's got a cavity
that can only be filled with children

     The first full day we were in Orlando, we slept in a bit [well sleeping in for the east coast, it was around 7am in Portland] and then went straight for the big prize: Universal Studios and HarryPotterland! We bought a three day, park-hopper pass and thank god for that because we accidentally went into the Studio Lot park at Universal on the first day [it has all the rides based off movies, like Twister, Men in Black, Shrek and the Mummy]! Which wouldn't be that bad [we spent all of the third day there], but all the Harry Potter attractions were at the Islands of Adventure! So we high tailed it over to Hogwarts and Hogsmead, but we got stuck in Whoville first... 

Hurrrr they are:
Mayor of Whoville!


Hogwarts Express!

Black on the loose!

The castle!

A Notice from the Ministry of Magic 

In Dumbledore's office

Harry, Ron and Hermione!

the fat lady

the sorting hat

The Great Hall!

stalking the Durmstrang guys..


On top of the worlds

Gilderoy Lockhart

It was making the awful noise it made in the movie.

I had such a massive crush on Sirius from the books!

Three Broomsticks


He matched this kid to a wand. But he wouldn't stay
still enough for a good picture.

Whoville was bumpin'

The park was super pretty when it was dark out.


The Hulk!!

Totes my favorite superhero.

currently listening to... "What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne [I've been pretty obsessed with her since seeing her in Orlando! She's the most adorable thing on earth.]

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