Friday, January 27, 2012

old photographs

      Stumbled across some photographs from the graduation party for sister Jessyka from Let's Talk About Beer [who sadly, isn't actually in any of these pictures] tonight as I watched my favorite movie, How to Deal, for the thousandth time [which is a blast from the past in and of itself, since I found the receipt for the movie tonight and I bought it in 2006].

Waiting for Jessyka to get her diploma!

I'm pretty sure that this picture is still on the frig at home.

Looks like I've always been a crazy party-fiend.


currently listening to... Mandy Moore having obscenely melodramatic outburst. My personal favorite? "Why doesn't anyone trust me to know what I know anymore?!"


  1. Are those all from my graduation day and none of them have me in them!!! By the way, why is everyone calling me Jessy now, not a fan.

  2. I know! These were all that I had on my camera though. and I don't know what you mean about calling you "Jessy"... I don't see it on here anywhere... and it's not like I edited anything...
