Wednesday, October 19, 2011

compliments from strangers

     You know how people say you're supposed to smile at strangers and say something nice to someone everyday? Well those sentiments were combined on me today!
     After a relatively pleasant water practice, I found myself in an awful mood. I was a total bitch to one of my rowers, Abraham, and flat-out refused to drive him to his house ["but it's only a couple blocks away," he pleaded, so of course I responded, "great! then it will only be a couple blocks for you to walk! Now get the fuck out of my car!"] hahaha well he convinced me by offering me breakfast [and saying he didn't have dry pants, so he'd be walking in just trou... like he thought that would work.. it's not like I've never kicked a pant-less guy out of my car before] and so I drove him home and he cooked me some eggs.
     Then I went to 7 eleveN and got myself a Slurpee. That would be amazing in and of its self, but what was even better was when I bumped into a gentleman who was in the store with me. This is what proceeded:
"You startled me, young lady," he said with a smile.
"Oh sorry!" I stammered, thinking he meant that I startled him when I ran into him.
"Don't worry about it. I mean you startled me when I saw you because you look just like a girl that I dated when I was young. She was just as beautiful as you are."
I'm sure I was blushing a mean red by then when he added,
"There's your compliment for the day. Let me know if you get a better one."
     I was floating on that compliment for a very long while. Even it taking me like ten minutes to find an open parking spot [that ended up being like three blocks away from my dorm. ickk] couldn't stifle my fire!

     Now that was a fantastic start to my day! Way better than the awful bee sting that started my morning Monday!

     And now I'm anxiously waiting to go to dinner with my father, who I haven't seen in over a month, then I get to go to Brooks' birthday hoe-down tonight because I got all my work for tomorrow done [an obituary for Steve Jobs. it was some pretty interesting shit.]! And I might actually give him his present even though he's a doucher and didn't put my cd back in its correct case this morning.

A snail I found scaling one of the walls of the Mission Church this weekend.

P.S. four days til Petaluma!


  1. abe's house is far!! hahaha that entire interaction made me laugh.

  2. It's really not that far! Definitely worth it for homemade breakfast! Hahah
