Sunday, October 16, 2011

happy list!

     Okay so this weekend was/has been fabulous. I had some girly time with Kendra, Lauren, and Meggan on Friday night, but still got to bed early enough to not be awfully tired at practice Saturday morning. Practice was great even if we spent most of the morning doing phantom drills [please pardon the crewspeak], then we had breakfast at Abraham's house. It was fun to just kick back with some of the guys, eat and talk some crew. Next was the day party, which was doubleplusgood. My first day party of the year! 
     Then we were just chilling at green, working off the buzz from the jungle juice [sorry I'm not sorry] when Carly called me informing me that she was on campus and I ran outta that house so fast. I ran in circles around campus, trying to figure out were she was! I found her and the rest was history. We got some Stuft Pizza, chatted with Eric for a while [he and Carly have the same birthday, November 25, but a year apart. Eric's a baby.] and then went back to my room to take a napsies [hey. we're busy girls. we wake up at the buttcrack of dawn, so sometimes we need a nap to rally!]. Then we got cute again [well Car got cute, I put on a t-shirt and called it good. considering we were going to a party with boys that have seen me at 6am when I had gone to bed at 3am the night before. I've lost the urge to try to impress them with my feminine wiles.] and went over to green to see what was up. And green was its crazy self, so we bummed inside and then went to TBell with some of the guys on my team [who were super drunk (and all over 21!) and super duper hilarious] then we old ladies called it a night.
     This morning we woke up and drove over to Santana Row. We were the first customers of the day at the Counter and I got a super yummy candy milkshake and a pretzel bun for my veggie burger. Then we came back to campus, I showed Car Leavey Center, where we do afternoon land workouts on the ergs [the boys work out their bodies and Karla and I work out our vocal cords! hahaah] and then we went to the SCU Men's Water Polo game. It was my first ever water polo game. It's a pretty interesting sport I must say, and I absolutely adore the SCU water polo players with all their chlorine-damaged hair and ironic moustaches [we lost, but there were some pretty excellent goals on our side].  
     Next we went to the Halloween shop off of Winchester. Car got a tribal cutie [I made up that name. the costume wasn't embarassing, it's friggin' great] and I got some random pieces I thought I'd use some other time if I don't go out for Halloween [we have a regatta that Saturday and my parents while be in town that weekend] and lots of fake eyelashes

    Ummkayy. That was the lowdown of Katie and Carly's Excellent Adventure. Now here's my happy list of the week :]

1) when you call a power ten to finish a race and you can feel the boat jump ahead on the first stroke and you know that your guys are giving every single last bit of themselves to these late few strokes and you can feel the boat just fly through the water
2) when you hug a boy around his waist and squeeze him so tight
3) when your best friend comes to visit you and gets to meet all the crazy boys you deal with on at least bi-daily basis
4) finding a tutu in a Halloween store that actually covers your ass
5) watching a water polo game and getting to see a bunch of guys in teeny-tiny speedos [and not having to pretend to wipe down the ergs to do it]
6) four of my favorite boys singing slightly off-key, but on the top of their lungs to "Dog Days Are Over" by Florence + the Machine.
7) coke Slurpee on a hot day
8) getting new G02 water bottles [D1 athlete, bitches!]
9) getting the new Cosmo
10) "Hell on Heels" by the Pistol Annies [see the music video below]

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