Saturday, October 1, 2011

happy lists!

     My absolute favorite blogger [more like only blogger I check in with daily] Naomi from the rockstar diaries posted her own happy list earlier this week, so I thought I'd take a whack at it. I found myself with so many things to be happy about that I had to whittle it down to ten [or eleven]! It was such a refreshing experience to just sit back and think about the great things going on in my life [as opposed to thinking about how crazy busy I am with my school schedule], I think I'm gonna do this more often! Like maybe weekly? ;]

1) when a boy flashes a smile reserved especially for me
2) waking up early Saturday morning and finally getting back in the boat with my boys
3) going to see the latest romantic comedy with my best friends, laughing hysterically and crying uncontrollably in the same movie
4) listening to boys' talk when they're so comfortable they kind of forget I'm a girl [even if it can get a little dirty]
5) creating a character in a story that does all the things I wish I could do, but never would
6) listening to my favorite album [currently Taking Back Sunday's Tell All Your Friends] at full blast, windows rolled down, wind blowing through my hair, California sun warm on my skin
7) finding old lists that I wrote and never crossed every thing off of
8) my mother saying 'good night' to me each evening [via text] even though I'm away at school
9) getting lost and finding something even better than what I was looking for
10) being able to text my best friend anything and knowing that she'll understand even if I haven't seen her in months and we're a time zone apart
11) somehow catching the clock at exactly 11:11 at least once, if not twice almost everyday [and making a wish each time!]

here are some photographs that I took today that I'm terribly happy about:
cox box :] #coxswainlife

grapes at a farmer's market? I don't think we're in Oregon anymore

Brooksies, here are some heirloom tomatoes

I love the perspective of this shot

this kitty's name is Scar. he's not as nice as he looks

the mission gardens are so bee-e-ay-you-tee-ful

the squirrels on Santa Clara's campus are insane

I love the sun just peeking through in photographs

my awfully cluttered desk. makes work kinda difficult to do when there are so many other
fun things within reach :] and I love the purple flowers I got from the market


  1. I really like this. I might make one of my own too. Thanks for the idea =]

  2. Send it to me when you're finished and I'll try to feature it the next time I post one!
