Sunday, October 9, 2011

going to the movies solo

     So I went to bed super late last night and forgot to set an alarm, so I woke up at around 11:30am. That may not seem late to everyone, but to me, 11:30am means that I should have been up for 5+ hours, spent 2+ hours in an eight on Lexington and be almost done with my first class of the day. And although I did little to no homework yesterday [but spent two hours skyping my friends Michaela and Melissa!], I needed to get off campus and be away from all things college for a while, so I went to the Winchester theatres [right next to the Winchester Mystery House, where I hopefully will be working this summer] and saw Moneyball all by my lonesome. And they're the best movie theatres ever because they each [there's four of them along Winchester Road; Winchester 21, 22, 23, and 24] have only two or three movies playing at a time and only two theatres, so they all feel like little, personal theatres [and it definitely helps that only like three people are in the theatre with you because it's super not-busy]. Oh! and my 1pm movie was their first showing of the day, so my ticket was only $6!
     Well I don't want to give a whole huge review of Moneyball, so I'll just say that Brad Pitt was excellent in it, I actually laughed at Jonah Hill's jokes and could stand the fact that he was in the movie, and I cried in three  or four separate scenes. And Brad Pitt's daughter in the movie was soooo cute and had the cutest little song that she sang in the movie [a cover of artist Lenka's song "the Show," you can see the music video for the song here.]

Hurr's the trailer:

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